For those of you who have been following my blog site, you may have noticed a Candle Lighters Award below my profile picture. I have been blessed to be the recipient of this award. The award represents the following:
The Candle Lighters Award is an award for a post or blog that is positive and brings light into the world.
The Candle Lighters Award belongs to those who believe, who always survive the day and never stop dreaming, who do not quit but keep trying.
There are no rules
If a person wishes to accept it is done! You are also free to decline or ignore. A recipient can pass it on to as many nominees as they wish and as often as they wish.
If anyone would have told me that after only a few months of blogging that someone would find ME worthy of the recognition of an award, I would have thought it ridiculous. After all I have never been one to receive recognition for anything positive, at least not in a very long time. And definitely not someone like myself, who only has a High School education and can not compete with such knowledgeable and professional blogs. However, here I am accepting The Candler Lighters Award from another blogger whom I respect and find to be just as courageous as she has given me credit for being.
Thank You Rescuing Little L for thinking me a worthy recipient of such an honor, I have read so many blogs, how can one choose, for there are so many of us out there? Yet I accept this award but, I do so for ALL abused people whom are out there, silent, feeling they have no voice, ashamed, feeling alone and still to blame.
When I read that I had been chosen, I can not begin to express to you the joy I felt plus the acceptance for being me. ME... the person whom I have been running from for years, the pain I had tried to block out of my mind. The hurt and disgust for myself that I had hidden all these years. The lost LOVE!! This award will never take away the memories that have held me captive all these years, nor do I ever expect that they will ever leave. However I know that with God's help I will be able to overcome and possibly do even a beacon of light to those who feel that they will always have to live all the days of their lives feeling soiled, used, and cast aside like a piece of garbage.
Let me encourage you challenge you from this day forth to seize the world and all it has for you. Quit believing the lies that pulse through your brain and the depression that continues to try and grip your spirit! Let this day be a day of renewal for you as well as for me. Allow Jesus to renew your spirit as you pray and commune with Him daily. I try to remember scripture from the bible to help me through. Two that are always of comfort to me are the following:
Philippians 4:13> I can do ALL things through Christ who strenghtens me.
Romans 8:37> I am more than a conqueror through Christ who loves me.
I look forward to writing many more blogs. Not all of them will pertain to sexual issues, but I'm sure that because of my history, it will have some bearing on my opinions. I promise that to the best of my ability to always be honest and forthcoming with all that is in my heart. You see, I feel that there is not one person whom can move forward without acknowledging their own truths. For you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free, and once you are free, you will be free indeed!
Again many thanks to you Rescuing Little L...may God's blessing abound mightily for you and yours.
You're alright, Debbie and you always have been - even when you didn't believe it about yourself - others knew and celebrated the truth!! Congratulations!!
DeleteThank know it's hard to think that someone else thinks postive towards you when you have never felt positive about yourself. I am just thankful that God has never given up on me, when He has had so many reason too! And it's very comforting to know that people like yourself haven't given up on me either. God Bless you for the encouragement, it means more than you know. As you can imagine, it's very difficult to expose yourself the way I have. However, each time I write I feel alittle more peace settle into my being and that is so comforting after all these years of loneliness,shame and filfth. Yes, I feel a new day is dawning.
Agape Love, Debbie