This was written by Rebecca O'Conner
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Truth is God, and God is truth. God is Word, and Word is Truth. What is Truth's definition?
The dictionary defines it as:
1. something factual: the thing that corresponds to fact or reality
2. true quality: Correspondence to fact or reality
3. true statement: a statement that corresponds to fact or reality
Truth is fact and reality. Truth cannot be recalibrated. It is set as fact and reality no matter the situation surrounding it, man's agreement to it or his adherence to it. Man may accept a fable, but it will not stop the course of Truth. Truth will find it's reality.
Wisdom follows Truth and is blessed by it, while the foolish disregard it, and Truth becomes his curse. All through the Pentateuch [first five books of Moses and the law] God is setting the grounds for what will bring life, abundance and blessings and what will reap lack, curses and destruction. Jesus came to bring us eternal life through forgiveness by His shed blood and abundance for our obedience to walk in the spirit and in Truth. God is not in the curses because God is not a curse. Satan is the author of all curses to mankind. We have the choice of two doors:
1. The door of Truth
2. The door of man lured by lust and desire
Judgment is in the hands of man contingent upon his choice. God is not giving judgment:He has already made judgment by setting forth His Truth: Deut 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may have life:
I said that to tell you this: In this nation we are trying to remedy the symptoms of disobedience without seeing that the cause IS disobedience. None of the wounds to our economy will be remedied because we ignore the source of our problem. Obedience is better than sacrifice, but we keep trying to feed the sacrifice, which is like a ravenous animal. Feeding into lack is like trying to feed quicksand. The more we feed it the more it eats. We have the entire Old Testament as an example of the rise and fall of God's people. God wanted them to walk in life as a model to the world, but upon their conformation to the world they sacrificed the blessings to live under curses and death. Captivity ruled their disobedience.
FACT: Seven years after the first warning of our hedge crumbling on September 11, 2001, our economy took a hit with global banks collapsing. Bailouts and bankruptcy were fed into this quicksand which gobbled and fed more to no avail. Everyone was made a debtor to the god of mammon! It happened to fall on the 7th year of the Hebrew shmita. Simply put, the Hebrew shmita forces man to recognize that there is more to life than just the physical world. By refraining from agricultural work and instead, devoting his time to WORD study, man spent every seventh year developing the spiritual world as well. Second, shmita involves social justice. In the past, landowners were, by definition rich; more land signified greater wealth. Yet during the sabbatical year, the landowners must repudiate ownership of his fruit. In other words, anyone may enter the landowner's Field and partake of the fruit. [No, this is not called socialism but charity and spiritual growth.] thus, the landowner and the village pauper enter the field as equals, and each are permitted to pick exactly the amount they need to eat. Since the rich must forgive all poor's debts, an impoverished man can more easily get back on his own two feet after the shmita year has concluded. Furthermore, by observing the laws of shmita, man is, in effect declaring that he recognizes that all the property which he has acquired does not truly belong to him. Rather, everything that he has comes from God. therefore, he obeys God's command and repudiates ownership of his fruit, refrains from working his fields and cancels debtors. This Hebrew practice was the spiritual Truth of forgiving debts. When the Jews did not obey the shmita, they found themselves in captivity, and the land rested by force, and the wealthy landowners lost their lands by force. The Jews would either submit to Truth or be forced into Truth at their peril...Truth is not stopped because man ignores it.
Granted, our nation is many sabbaticals in debt but lived under the grace of God's forgiveness. However, we were served notice on 9/11 that our hedge had been compromised. We had no idea that we were vulnerable, but Truth was revealed by force as the enemy entered where he could not before. Truth to the disobedient is a curse. As this nation has disregarded Truth, Truth was revealed in a way we did not choose. That was man's judgment, and we are living it. We did not obey the Truth even after it was exposed, and the next Truth followed. There is no grace, for grace is the sign of a nation under God. Our decision was to become a secular nation and further our walk of disobedience. Truth will become a reality whether man complies with it or not. In 2008, just seven years to the day of 9/11 the landowners began to fail and banks began to collapse. We fed the symptoms by bailouts, and those not receiving them went bankrupt. Man is a poor excuse for god, but man continues to play the role.
This means that Truth will prevail but not as the blessing it was intended because man has cursed all of God's blessings and reset another truth to his own pallet. when a nation recalibrates away from God, he ignorantly sets the prophetic clock of forced Truth, however, instead of receiving the prosperity of it, we receive it in our lack. Man becomes under the hand of his own judgment. He made his choice but does not like what his choice has produced.
This is an election year. How far off course do we intend to go? If you asked anyone what they think is the most important consideration in this country, you will hear them say JOBS and the economy. The more we seek mammon the more it will be our curse. Again, we do not heed the Truth, but in the end Truth will be the reality. No man can stop Truth, but he can repent for having left it, return to God and be blessed or live on the negative side of this Truth as it's reality unfolds.
Which of America's gods will back up on us next? the pharaoh of old made forced abortion on the Jews, and Egypt lost their firstborn. what will happen when we elect a leader like Obama who lifted the ban on partial birth abortions as well as government's intrusion with mandates of contraceptives forced on churches to offer in contradiction to abstinence? Truth is at our door ready to make it's third visit. You can either open the door to Truth and follow its blessings or bolt the door against it and sacrifice the blessing. Truth will come and with it the opportunity to be blessed. Take the opportunity and put your hand to what is right. Make a commitment to morality rather than mammon. We have the choice to welcome the blessings back in this nation or become like the rest of the world and taste its suffering.
These are my own words: Debbie Killian....on May 9th 2012 our President announced that he will support gay marriage.
While God loves the homosexual He hates the homosexuality. For me, this is another blow to our country and another strike against us from God. And sadly most people are for it, even Christians. What's wrong with this picture? God has explicitly shown us in the Word that having unnatural desires for the same sex is a sin, however we choose AGAIN to embrace it. I'm not saying that we are not to love homosexuals....I have a few self proclaimed gays who are very kind and caring and I like them deeply.
That being said, I still have to speak God's Truth and you can find it many scriptures such as Colossians 3:5-7: Galatians 6:19-21: 1 Corinthians 6:9&10.
Could it be possible that our immorality will be the door ready to make it's third visit??
Just a thought.
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