"Israel is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did over 3,000 years. you dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old-scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one that today advertises ice cream at the corner candy store." Charles Krauthammer- The Weekly Standard, May 11, 1998
In 1200BC the Children of Israel settled in the Land of Canaan after Moses led the twelve Hebrew tribes out of slavery in Egypt and with the conquests of Joshua entered into the Promise Land. She established herself as a sustainable force in the area at that time. However, in a dispute over a king, the Israelites split into the Northern Kingdom of Israel (10 tribes)and the Southern Kingdom of Judah (2 tribes). As we know, a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand, and in 722 BC Israel's reign ended when the ten tribes were conquered by Sargon ll,King of Assyria, which is modern day Iran and Syria. Likewise, in 586 BC Judah's reign ended with the conquest of Jerusalem and the Southern Kingdom by Nebuchadnezzar ll, King of Babylonia. Most of the Jews were killed, became slaves or were disbursed to other countries. Through the different conquests Israel as a nation was no longer. If you were born in the 1920s, for example, you could not fathom that a prophecy for the nation of Israel as valid because there was no such nation.
Atheists were coming out of the woodwork in the late 1800s because the end times prophecies could only occur if Israel was a nation, and it was not. It had not been for almost 3000 years, and many of the "intellectuals" wanted to know when the possibility of those prophecies, could conceivably be fulfilled. The end could not have happened in the 1800s. Israel had not been restored to her ancient land. then, almost overnight, Israel again came into being.
On May 14, 1948, with the help of the US and England, Israel was restored after the holocaust nearly wiped them out; and they have been forced to contend with ever since. On May 15, 1948, Israel was attacked by five Arab countries the very first day of her new existence. This was another prophecy fulfilled because the prophets indicated that even though Israel would be restored and would thrive she would never have peace until the end and would be surrounded by her enemies. The prophecies said that in the end, the world would turn against Israel. That would lead the way to the plains to Armageddon and the end of things as we know it. That prophecy has almost been fulfilled. Israel has been surrounded by enemies for years, but treaties have been in place to prevent war. However, with encouragement from the West, Arab leaders are being overthrown. As bad some of these leaders may have been, many were allies of the West. Through American taxpayers, billions of dollars were offered each year if they would promise not to go to war with Israel. It was like giving your lunch money to a bully to prevent being beaten up. The bully takes the money but eventually beats you up anyway. The bully is doing that very thing now. The Muslim Brotherhood, a " terrorist organization", is systematically replacing these leaders one by one and is threatening to end the "peace" with Israel. all the governments surrounding Israel are in turmoil or revolt, and they are all Islamic...enemies of Israel.
All hades is getting ready to break loose. The bullies are coming. While America has been a force with which to contend as standing in partnership with Israel, we have become a silent partner. While this administration makes sounds of supporting Israel publicly, behind close doors the opposite is true. Sanctions do not seem to matter when your national religion requires you to destroy the "GREAT SATAN". We are considered the GREAT SATAN often accompanied by shouts of "Marg bar Amrika!" Meaning:"Death to America".
Obama told Netanyahu we would support Israel's fight to stop Iran ONLY after the coming election...Just a few days ago Obama told Russian President Dmitry Medvedev privately that he had one election left and after that he would have more flexibility. Of course, Obama did not realize that his microphone was still on. The same slip happened with French President Sarkozy. Sarkozy called Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu a liar to which President Obama replied, "you are sick of him, but I have to work with him every day." Just what exactly will happen after the election is any body's guess, but it does not seem to favor Israel.
I do not believe that President Obama speaks for all democrats and certainly not for all Americans, but I give him three strikes:
1. He has done more than any president on behalf of pro-choice.
2. He has done more than any president to infringe the rights of Christians.
3. He has been a most reluctant ally to Israel.
Written by Rebecca O'Conner and I concur.
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