I don't know if you realize this or not, but we all battle with our minds. It's a continuous fight between good and evil, right and wrong. I myself battle with unworthiness. I know that scripture tells me I have the mind of Christ and through that I can know all things. That Jesus was chastised for my peace and well-being [Isaiah 53:5] That Jesus is (Himself) my peace [Ephesians 2:14] However, knowing that and actually feeling that are two very different things. I have come along way since my first blog. I have reach highs and I have reach lows. At times, remembering has been a difficult thing to share and scary too.
I battle with unworthiness because I expect myself to be perfect before my God, and when I share my opinions with you I want to be honest and earn your trust. My battle is my own struggle...well not my own, it's mine and God's. You see He is still working on me and daily as I try to walk in His path of righteousness, I realize and understand the scripture "My righteousness is like filthy rags." For only Jesus' righteousness is what I yearn to attain, and it is a goal I've not reached. You see that's my battle...because I shall never reach it and the reason for that is because Jesus is already my righteousness! That's why Jesus says My grace is sufficient.
So then why do I battle with my mind? Because I know that there is so much more out there for me to do for Him, but my flesh is still weak. I respect my Heavenly Father so much, that I am not worthy to do His perfect Will for Him. Yes I have His grace, but I still willingly sin, I hate myself for sinning , but still proceed to sin. How can I explain this...help me Lord? I know that drinking too much to where you are drunk is wrong. Yet most Saturday nights I partake in to much drink. Most Saturday nights my husband and I sit at home and listen to music and relax by drinking some beer. How can I be used of God if I myself can not resist the lust of a good buzz. How can He move through me...even worse... I make Him a partaker in this awful sin. How you say? Because His Holy Spirit dwells within me, therefore I grieve His Spirit when I do these things.
Yet all through the week, I hear the needs of others, and my first reaction is to pray for them and ask God to answer my prayers...but why should He? I know that if I resist the devil he must flee. I know I wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. That I have the power over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt me. I will use those words for everyone else,and believe(have faith) that God will do it but, will I use them to help me...I have but sadly I go back and do it again so the answer is... NO! What is God to do with someone like me?
I can use excuses that I've been sexually abused, rejected, raped, but that is not the reason. The truth is my flash is weak...the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. I tell you these things because I want you to understand I hate fake people. And the last thing I want is for someone to think I am trying to pretend to be something I'm not!! I will always be real with you, whether it be good or bad, I want you to know that I will always speak truth. I guess I'm asking you to trust this sinner, although I know I do not deserve it.
Back to my battle...in the bible it says in Galatians 5:19-21 [Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these;Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, sedition's, heresies, Envying, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such likes: as I have told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.] That my friends is a command and the manifestations of a fleshly life: that will damn the soul. I love the Lord my God with all my heart and all my soul and all my mind...He knows I do, yet I can not stop partaking in alcohol at least one night a week. I have no desire to drink anytime but with my husband on Saturday night. This messes with my mind!! Am I saved? Will I go to heaven? Will I be in the rapture? All these things go through my mind constantly. You would think that if it bothers me that bad I'd just stop, right? Wrong!!
So I continue asking for forgiveness, but doesn't true repentance mean turning away from that sin? YES! So therefore I must not be truly repentant... yet I am! All I know to do at this point in my life is to continue to fight the good fight, and not give up. To claim 2 Corinthians 3:4 [For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons.For the weapons of our warfare are not physical(weapons of flesh and blood), but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds.] And that is what I am battling...a STRONGHOLD!
I just felt the need to share with you my flaws. Why, you might say to yourself must she have such a need to share something that is really nobodies business but her own? You see I don't want you to think I'm a hypocrite...yet I am... I guess we all are at one time or another!! However, I would die for my Lord before I would deny Him, but I AM still a work in progress. I have faith that one day I will overcome this stronghold. However I know it will come NOT by might, nor by power, but by My (Gods) Spirit, says the Lords of Hosts.
Recently our President just went on record supporting the marriage of homosexuals. I want to make one thing perfectly clear, although I do not agree with our President, I do not see one sin any different than another sin with the exception of the unpardonable one which is to deny Jesus Christ. With that being said, I do think it is one thing to partake in a sin, but it's another thing to willingly condone it. I do not condone my actions but that is between me and God, however when we allow our country to adapt and knowingly accept marriage between same sex individuals, it's like saying that this is not a sin in the sight of God and once more we as a nation become more desensitized to yet another of what God calls the works of the flesh. I just want to make it clear that God tells us to love all people and to go forth to all nations baptizing in the name of the Father,Son and Holy Spirit...but He also tell us that although we are in this world we are not to be of this world!!
Thus , this is MY problem...the battle with my mind...MY stronghold is not another persons stronghold. However, when a nation takes the stronghold out of the individuals decision and makes it a civil rights issue instead of a moral issue and says it's alright, I take offense and worry about this once great nation.
I am a sinner saved by grace, but just because a country makes a sin acceptable doesn't mean God does too!!!
May my Heavenly Father have mercy on me and may He have mercy on our country!! God's Word says "confess your faults one to another, that you might be healed"...may this be the start to my healing, one can only hope.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth
This was written by Rebecca O'Conner
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Truth is God, and God is truth. God is Word, and Word is Truth. What is Truth's definition?
The dictionary defines it as:
1. something factual: the thing that corresponds to fact or reality
2. true quality: Correspondence to fact or reality
3. true statement: a statement that corresponds to fact or reality
Truth is fact and reality. Truth cannot be recalibrated. It is set as fact and reality no matter the situation surrounding it, man's agreement to it or his adherence to it. Man may accept a fable, but it will not stop the course of Truth. Truth will find it's reality.
Wisdom follows Truth and is blessed by it, while the foolish disregard it, and Truth becomes his curse. All through the Pentateuch [first five books of Moses and the law] God is setting the grounds for what will bring life, abundance and blessings and what will reap lack, curses and destruction. Jesus came to bring us eternal life through forgiveness by His shed blood and abundance for our obedience to walk in the spirit and in Truth. God is not in the curses because God is not a curse. Satan is the author of all curses to mankind. We have the choice of two doors:
1. The door of Truth
2. The door of man lured by lust and desire
Judgment is in the hands of man contingent upon his choice. God is not giving judgment:He has already made judgment by setting forth His Truth: Deut 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may have life:
I said that to tell you this: In this nation we are trying to remedy the symptoms of disobedience without seeing that the cause IS disobedience. None of the wounds to our economy will be remedied because we ignore the source of our problem. Obedience is better than sacrifice, but we keep trying to feed the sacrifice, which is like a ravenous animal. Feeding into lack is like trying to feed quicksand. The more we feed it the more it eats. We have the entire Old Testament as an example of the rise and fall of God's people. God wanted them to walk in life as a model to the world, but upon their conformation to the world they sacrificed the blessings to live under curses and death. Captivity ruled their disobedience.
FACT: Seven years after the first warning of our hedge crumbling on September 11, 2001, our economy took a hit with global banks collapsing. Bailouts and bankruptcy were fed into this quicksand which gobbled and fed more to no avail. Everyone was made a debtor to the god of mammon! It happened to fall on the 7th year of the Hebrew shmita. Simply put, the Hebrew shmita forces man to recognize that there is more to life than just the physical world. By refraining from agricultural work and instead, devoting his time to WORD study, man spent every seventh year developing the spiritual world as well. Second, shmita involves social justice. In the past, landowners were, by definition rich; more land signified greater wealth. Yet during the sabbatical year, the landowners must repudiate ownership of his fruit. In other words, anyone may enter the landowner's Field and partake of the fruit. [No, this is not called socialism but charity and spiritual growth.] thus, the landowner and the village pauper enter the field as equals, and each are permitted to pick exactly the amount they need to eat. Since the rich must forgive all poor's debts, an impoverished man can more easily get back on his own two feet after the shmita year has concluded. Furthermore, by observing the laws of shmita, man is, in effect declaring that he recognizes that all the property which he has acquired does not truly belong to him. Rather, everything that he has comes from God. therefore, he obeys God's command and repudiates ownership of his fruit, refrains from working his fields and cancels debtors. This Hebrew practice was the spiritual Truth of forgiving debts. When the Jews did not obey the shmita, they found themselves in captivity, and the land rested by force, and the wealthy landowners lost their lands by force. The Jews would either submit to Truth or be forced into Truth at their peril...Truth is not stopped because man ignores it.
Granted, our nation is many sabbaticals in debt but lived under the grace of God's forgiveness. However, we were served notice on 9/11 that our hedge had been compromised. We had no idea that we were vulnerable, but Truth was revealed by force as the enemy entered where he could not before. Truth to the disobedient is a curse. As this nation has disregarded Truth, Truth was revealed in a way we did not choose. That was man's judgment, and we are living it. We did not obey the Truth even after it was exposed, and the next Truth followed. There is no grace, for grace is the sign of a nation under God. Our decision was to become a secular nation and further our walk of disobedience. Truth will become a reality whether man complies with it or not. In 2008, just seven years to the day of 9/11 the landowners began to fail and banks began to collapse. We fed the symptoms by bailouts, and those not receiving them went bankrupt. Man is a poor excuse for god, but man continues to play the role.
This means that Truth will prevail but not as the blessing it was intended because man has cursed all of God's blessings and reset another truth to his own pallet. when a nation recalibrates away from God, he ignorantly sets the prophetic clock of forced Truth, however, instead of receiving the prosperity of it, we receive it in our lack. Man becomes under the hand of his own judgment. He made his choice but does not like what his choice has produced.
This is an election year. How far off course do we intend to go? If you asked anyone what they think is the most important consideration in this country, you will hear them say JOBS and the economy. The more we seek mammon the more it will be our curse. Again, we do not heed the Truth, but in the end Truth will be the reality. No man can stop Truth, but he can repent for having left it, return to God and be blessed or live on the negative side of this Truth as it's reality unfolds.
Which of America's gods will back up on us next? the pharaoh of old made forced abortion on the Jews, and Egypt lost their firstborn. what will happen when we elect a leader like Obama who lifted the ban on partial birth abortions as well as government's intrusion with mandates of contraceptives forced on churches to offer in contradiction to abstinence? Truth is at our door ready to make it's third visit. You can either open the door to Truth and follow its blessings or bolt the door against it and sacrifice the blessing. Truth will come and with it the opportunity to be blessed. Take the opportunity and put your hand to what is right. Make a commitment to morality rather than mammon. We have the choice to welcome the blessings back in this nation or become like the rest of the world and taste its suffering.
These are my own words: Debbie Killian....on May 9th 2012 our President announced that he will support gay marriage.
While God loves the homosexual He hates the homosexuality. For me, this is another blow to our country and another strike against us from God. And sadly most people are for it, even Christians. What's wrong with this picture? God has explicitly shown us in the Word that having unnatural desires for the same sex is a sin, however we choose AGAIN to embrace it. I'm not saying that we are not to love homosexuals....I have a few self proclaimed gays who are very kind and caring and I like them deeply.
That being said, I still have to speak God's Truth and you can find it many scriptures such as Colossians 3:5-7: Galatians 6:19-21: 1 Corinthians 6:9&10.
Could it be possible that our immorality will be the door ready to make it's third visit??
Just a thought.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Truth is God, and God is truth. God is Word, and Word is Truth. What is Truth's definition?
The dictionary defines it as:
1. something factual: the thing that corresponds to fact or reality
2. true quality: Correspondence to fact or reality
3. true statement: a statement that corresponds to fact or reality
Truth is fact and reality. Truth cannot be recalibrated. It is set as fact and reality no matter the situation surrounding it, man's agreement to it or his adherence to it. Man may accept a fable, but it will not stop the course of Truth. Truth will find it's reality.
Wisdom follows Truth and is blessed by it, while the foolish disregard it, and Truth becomes his curse. All through the Pentateuch [first five books of Moses and the law] God is setting the grounds for what will bring life, abundance and blessings and what will reap lack, curses and destruction. Jesus came to bring us eternal life through forgiveness by His shed blood and abundance for our obedience to walk in the spirit and in Truth. God is not in the curses because God is not a curse. Satan is the author of all curses to mankind. We have the choice of two doors:
1. The door of Truth
2. The door of man lured by lust and desire
Judgment is in the hands of man contingent upon his choice. God is not giving judgment:He has already made judgment by setting forth His Truth: Deut 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may have life:
I said that to tell you this: In this nation we are trying to remedy the symptoms of disobedience without seeing that the cause IS disobedience. None of the wounds to our economy will be remedied because we ignore the source of our problem. Obedience is better than sacrifice, but we keep trying to feed the sacrifice, which is like a ravenous animal. Feeding into lack is like trying to feed quicksand. The more we feed it the more it eats. We have the entire Old Testament as an example of the rise and fall of God's people. God wanted them to walk in life as a model to the world, but upon their conformation to the world they sacrificed the blessings to live under curses and death. Captivity ruled their disobedience.
FACT: Seven years after the first warning of our hedge crumbling on September 11, 2001, our economy took a hit with global banks collapsing. Bailouts and bankruptcy were fed into this quicksand which gobbled and fed more to no avail. Everyone was made a debtor to the god of mammon! It happened to fall on the 7th year of the Hebrew shmita. Simply put, the Hebrew shmita forces man to recognize that there is more to life than just the physical world. By refraining from agricultural work and instead, devoting his time to WORD study, man spent every seventh year developing the spiritual world as well. Second, shmita involves social justice. In the past, landowners were, by definition rich; more land signified greater wealth. Yet during the sabbatical year, the landowners must repudiate ownership of his fruit. In other words, anyone may enter the landowner's Field and partake of the fruit. [No, this is not called socialism but charity and spiritual growth.] thus, the landowner and the village pauper enter the field as equals, and each are permitted to pick exactly the amount they need to eat. Since the rich must forgive all poor's debts, an impoverished man can more easily get back on his own two feet after the shmita year has concluded. Furthermore, by observing the laws of shmita, man is, in effect declaring that he recognizes that all the property which he has acquired does not truly belong to him. Rather, everything that he has comes from God. therefore, he obeys God's command and repudiates ownership of his fruit, refrains from working his fields and cancels debtors. This Hebrew practice was the spiritual Truth of forgiving debts. When the Jews did not obey the shmita, they found themselves in captivity, and the land rested by force, and the wealthy landowners lost their lands by force. The Jews would either submit to Truth or be forced into Truth at their peril...Truth is not stopped because man ignores it.
Granted, our nation is many sabbaticals in debt but lived under the grace of God's forgiveness. However, we were served notice on 9/11 that our hedge had been compromised. We had no idea that we were vulnerable, but Truth was revealed by force as the enemy entered where he could not before. Truth to the disobedient is a curse. As this nation has disregarded Truth, Truth was revealed in a way we did not choose. That was man's judgment, and we are living it. We did not obey the Truth even after it was exposed, and the next Truth followed. There is no grace, for grace is the sign of a nation under God. Our decision was to become a secular nation and further our walk of disobedience. Truth will become a reality whether man complies with it or not. In 2008, just seven years to the day of 9/11 the landowners began to fail and banks began to collapse. We fed the symptoms by bailouts, and those not receiving them went bankrupt. Man is a poor excuse for god, but man continues to play the role.
This means that Truth will prevail but not as the blessing it was intended because man has cursed all of God's blessings and reset another truth to his own pallet. when a nation recalibrates away from God, he ignorantly sets the prophetic clock of forced Truth, however, instead of receiving the prosperity of it, we receive it in our lack. Man becomes under the hand of his own judgment. He made his choice but does not like what his choice has produced.
This is an election year. How far off course do we intend to go? If you asked anyone what they think is the most important consideration in this country, you will hear them say JOBS and the economy. The more we seek mammon the more it will be our curse. Again, we do not heed the Truth, but in the end Truth will be the reality. No man can stop Truth, but he can repent for having left it, return to God and be blessed or live on the negative side of this Truth as it's reality unfolds.
Which of America's gods will back up on us next? the pharaoh of old made forced abortion on the Jews, and Egypt lost their firstborn. what will happen when we elect a leader like Obama who lifted the ban on partial birth abortions as well as government's intrusion with mandates of contraceptives forced on churches to offer in contradiction to abstinence? Truth is at our door ready to make it's third visit. You can either open the door to Truth and follow its blessings or bolt the door against it and sacrifice the blessing. Truth will come and with it the opportunity to be blessed. Take the opportunity and put your hand to what is right. Make a commitment to morality rather than mammon. We have the choice to welcome the blessings back in this nation or become like the rest of the world and taste its suffering.
These are my own words: Debbie Killian....on May 9th 2012 our President announced that he will support gay marriage.
While God loves the homosexual He hates the homosexuality. For me, this is another blow to our country and another strike against us from God. And sadly most people are for it, even Christians. What's wrong with this picture? God has explicitly shown us in the Word that having unnatural desires for the same sex is a sin, however we choose AGAIN to embrace it. I'm not saying that we are not to love homosexuals....I have a few self proclaimed gays who are very kind and caring and I like them deeply.
That being said, I still have to speak God's Truth and you can find it many scriptures such as Colossians 3:5-7: Galatians 6:19-21: 1 Corinthians 6:9&10.
Could it be possible that our immorality will be the door ready to make it's third visit??
Just a thought.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Divided We Fall
"Israel is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did over 3,000 years. you dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old-scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one that today advertises ice cream at the corner candy store." Charles Krauthammer- The Weekly Standard, May 11, 1998
In 1200BC the Children of Israel settled in the Land of Canaan after Moses led the twelve Hebrew tribes out of slavery in Egypt and with the conquests of Joshua entered into the Promise Land. She established herself as a sustainable force in the area at that time. However, in a dispute over a king, the Israelites split into the Northern Kingdom of Israel (10 tribes)and the Southern Kingdom of Judah (2 tribes). As we know, a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand, and in 722 BC Israel's reign ended when the ten tribes were conquered by Sargon ll,King of Assyria, which is modern day Iran and Syria. Likewise, in 586 BC Judah's reign ended with the conquest of Jerusalem and the Southern Kingdom by Nebuchadnezzar ll, King of Babylonia. Most of the Jews were killed, became slaves or were disbursed to other countries. Through the different conquests Israel as a nation was no longer. If you were born in the 1920s, for example, you could not fathom that a prophecy for the nation of Israel as valid because there was no such nation.
Atheists were coming out of the woodwork in the late 1800s because the end times prophecies could only occur if Israel was a nation, and it was not. It had not been for almost 3000 years, and many of the "intellectuals" wanted to know when the possibility of those prophecies, could conceivably be fulfilled. The end could not have happened in the 1800s. Israel had not been restored to her ancient land. then, almost overnight, Israel again came into being.
On May 14, 1948, with the help of the US and England, Israel was restored after the holocaust nearly wiped them out; and they have been forced to contend with ever since. On May 15, 1948, Israel was attacked by five Arab countries the very first day of her new existence. This was another prophecy fulfilled because the prophets indicated that even though Israel would be restored and would thrive she would never have peace until the end and would be surrounded by her enemies. The prophecies said that in the end, the world would turn against Israel. That would lead the way to the plains to Armageddon and the end of things as we know it. That prophecy has almost been fulfilled. Israel has been surrounded by enemies for years, but treaties have been in place to prevent war. However, with encouragement from the West, Arab leaders are being overthrown. As bad some of these leaders may have been, many were allies of the West. Through American taxpayers, billions of dollars were offered each year if they would promise not to go to war with Israel. It was like giving your lunch money to a bully to prevent being beaten up. The bully takes the money but eventually beats you up anyway. The bully is doing that very thing now. The Muslim Brotherhood, a " terrorist organization", is systematically replacing these leaders one by one and is threatening to end the "peace" with Israel. all the governments surrounding Israel are in turmoil or revolt, and they are all Islamic...enemies of Israel.
All hades is getting ready to break loose. The bullies are coming. While America has been a force with which to contend as standing in partnership with Israel, we have become a silent partner. While this administration makes sounds of supporting Israel publicly, behind close doors the opposite is true. Sanctions do not seem to matter when your national religion requires you to destroy the "GREAT SATAN". We are considered the GREAT SATAN often accompanied by shouts of "Marg bar Amrika!" Meaning:"Death to America".
Obama told Netanyahu we would support Israel's fight to stop Iran ONLY after the coming election...Just a few days ago Obama told Russian President Dmitry Medvedev privately that he had one election left and after that he would have more flexibility. Of course, Obama did not realize that his microphone was still on. The same slip happened with French President Sarkozy. Sarkozy called Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu a liar to which President Obama replied, "you are sick of him, but I have to work with him every day." Just what exactly will happen after the election is any body's guess, but it does not seem to favor Israel.
I do not believe that President Obama speaks for all democrats and certainly not for all Americans, but I give him three strikes:
1. He has done more than any president on behalf of pro-choice.
2. He has done more than any president to infringe the rights of Christians.
3. He has been a most reluctant ally to Israel.
Written by Rebecca O'Conner and I concur.
In 1200BC the Children of Israel settled in the Land of Canaan after Moses led the twelve Hebrew tribes out of slavery in Egypt and with the conquests of Joshua entered into the Promise Land. She established herself as a sustainable force in the area at that time. However, in a dispute over a king, the Israelites split into the Northern Kingdom of Israel (10 tribes)and the Southern Kingdom of Judah (2 tribes). As we know, a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand, and in 722 BC Israel's reign ended when the ten tribes were conquered by Sargon ll,King of Assyria, which is modern day Iran and Syria. Likewise, in 586 BC Judah's reign ended with the conquest of Jerusalem and the Southern Kingdom by Nebuchadnezzar ll, King of Babylonia. Most of the Jews were killed, became slaves or were disbursed to other countries. Through the different conquests Israel as a nation was no longer. If you were born in the 1920s, for example, you could not fathom that a prophecy for the nation of Israel as valid because there was no such nation.
Atheists were coming out of the woodwork in the late 1800s because the end times prophecies could only occur if Israel was a nation, and it was not. It had not been for almost 3000 years, and many of the "intellectuals" wanted to know when the possibility of those prophecies, could conceivably be fulfilled. The end could not have happened in the 1800s. Israel had not been restored to her ancient land. then, almost overnight, Israel again came into being.
On May 14, 1948, with the help of the US and England, Israel was restored after the holocaust nearly wiped them out; and they have been forced to contend with ever since. On May 15, 1948, Israel was attacked by five Arab countries the very first day of her new existence. This was another prophecy fulfilled because the prophets indicated that even though Israel would be restored and would thrive she would never have peace until the end and would be surrounded by her enemies. The prophecies said that in the end, the world would turn against Israel. That would lead the way to the plains to Armageddon and the end of things as we know it. That prophecy has almost been fulfilled. Israel has been surrounded by enemies for years, but treaties have been in place to prevent war. However, with encouragement from the West, Arab leaders are being overthrown. As bad some of these leaders may have been, many were allies of the West. Through American taxpayers, billions of dollars were offered each year if they would promise not to go to war with Israel. It was like giving your lunch money to a bully to prevent being beaten up. The bully takes the money but eventually beats you up anyway. The bully is doing that very thing now. The Muslim Brotherhood, a " terrorist organization", is systematically replacing these leaders one by one and is threatening to end the "peace" with Israel. all the governments surrounding Israel are in turmoil or revolt, and they are all Islamic...enemies of Israel.
All hades is getting ready to break loose. The bullies are coming. While America has been a force with which to contend as standing in partnership with Israel, we have become a silent partner. While this administration makes sounds of supporting Israel publicly, behind close doors the opposite is true. Sanctions do not seem to matter when your national religion requires you to destroy the "GREAT SATAN". We are considered the GREAT SATAN often accompanied by shouts of "Marg bar Amrika!" Meaning:"Death to America".
Obama told Netanyahu we would support Israel's fight to stop Iran ONLY after the coming election...Just a few days ago Obama told Russian President Dmitry Medvedev privately that he had one election left and after that he would have more flexibility. Of course, Obama did not realize that his microphone was still on. The same slip happened with French President Sarkozy. Sarkozy called Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu a liar to which President Obama replied, "you are sick of him, but I have to work with him every day." Just what exactly will happen after the election is any body's guess, but it does not seem to favor Israel.
I do not believe that President Obama speaks for all democrats and certainly not for all Americans, but I give him three strikes:
1. He has done more than any president on behalf of pro-choice.
2. He has done more than any president to infringe the rights of Christians.
3. He has been a most reluctant ally to Israel.
Written by Rebecca O'Conner and I concur.
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